What I Heard at the Dawn of Day (by platinumsun)

12/02/2015 10:23

In English class, my class went over a few poems. When I read When I Heard at the Close of the Day aka Calamus 11 by Walt Whitman, I couldn't help but make a new Pearlshipping poem. This is in perspective of Ash and his journey to Unova to his reunion with Dawn.

What I Heard at the Dawn of Day
When I entered myself into a new world of adventures, I was not that happy
And when I discovered brand new friends, that smile wasn't shown
If I had a good dream, one thing kept it from perfect
As I walk towards my goal, I can't help but look back
Each night, I see all the beautiful stars, but the prettiest of them was missing
Until the sun came one day along with an angel that had great news
On the thought that my special one, my close friend, was on her way, that smile finally showed up
Each bite of food tasted sweeter, electric-fire consumed my body
That night, the missing star shined more beautifully than before
Waiting each day with joy and excitement to have her by my side
A bounce with every step with anticipation to see her face
Only for that face to sneak up behind me with a laugh and smile
As our hands touched each other, our warm memories came back in me
With the wind blowing by, secretly congratulating me
For the one I care about is right by my side
Day and night, her presence warms me inside
Face to face, eye to eye, smile to smile; I was finally happy
By platinumsun